This video was actually produced a month ago, but technological difficulties had me wait to post until today, Tuesday, April 14th, 2020.
In this video, I discuss planting tomato and pepper seeds. I'm way behind this year. In years past, I planted March 1st, which is actually too early if I'm going to put the plants in the ground on Mother's Day weekend. (One year, my tomato plants were 2 ft tall before I put them in the ground. That's too tall.) So, this year's seeds were planted on April 4th -- a little too late -- we'll see how that plays out. Here's how I plant seeds:
1) Get a 70-pellet seed-starter greenhouse and a heating mat. 2) Water the pellets so they expand. 3) Place 2-3 seeds in each pellet.
4) LABEL the rows/pellets so the labels can go with the seeds when they're transplanted.
5) Make sure each pellet's dirt covers its seeds and each pellet is adequately watered.
6) Place greenhouse on heating mat. 7) Plan for transplanting by having the next containers ready to go and ready to label.
8) Wait patiently. (If there is such a thing!)