May 21st, 2023: New title for a more accurate blog post, as I really need to concentrate on what we can. It's true, we do have a fabulous garden. But our main focus is making canned goods for the Farmer's Market, so I'm changing the name of my previous series, "Sunday in the Garden" to "Sunday in the Kitchen." Because no matter how much time we spend outside, we always end up in the kitchen making fabulous recipes to share at the market.
I'm also doing videos about how-to-can, so I'm naturally in the kitchen all the time anyway, so now, I'm sharing that with all of you! One of the biggest things that happened this past Saturday at the Farmer's Market, was that we bought our first big box of tomatoes from Fruitful Vines. They are a vendor from Sullivan Illinois that has a greenhouse, so they start their tomatoes in January to plant in March to have tomatoes by May! (When the rest of us have to wait until late June/early July for our tomato harvests). Our salsa sell out like crazy, so we need to make a LOT.
This Sunday in the Kitchen, I'm blanching tomatoes for Salsa! Mild, Medium, and Hot Hot Hot!