Here is our full list of products we'll have tomorrow:
Apple Jelly
Apple Butter
Blackberry-Lemon Jam
Blueberry Jam
Blueberry-Lime Jam
Blueberry-Strawberry Jam
Raspberry-Jalapeño Jam
Raspberry Jelly ($9)
Raspberry Jam
Pineapple-Mango-Lemon Jam
Strawberry Jam
Strawberry Jelly
Strawberry-Cranberry-Orange Jam
Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam
Very-Berry Jam (cherries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
2 batches of Sunflower Jelly (Sunflowers from Twin Acre Farms!)
Britney Spears (Bread & Butter)
Hot Spicy Spears and Slices
Dill Spears
Dill Slices
OSU Cowboy Candy (candied jalapeños)
Timmy’s Chow-Chow Relish
Timmy’s Corn RelishTimmy’s
Pickled Okra
Sweet Relish
Okie Relish (a sweet, cabbage-based relish)Zesty Zucchini Relish
Mild/Medium/Hot Salsa,
Thaitastic Salsa!
Butternut Squash Soup
Veggie Soup
Low-Sodium Tomato Soup
Red Pepper Soup
Slightly-Spicy Pizza Sauce
Zesty Zpaghetti Zauce
In the mean time, here's the last video of Market prep. It was supposed to have a lot more product prep, but I took most of those videos for Tik Tok, and the two orientations do not edit together. I prefer landscape orientation and Tik Tok likes vertical video -- which I hate. Over the winter break, I'm going to organize my video library and shoot both landscape and vertical video so I can edit with either. But it is a learning curve ...In any case, we hope to see you tomorrow!!!
Long Story ...
We're getting ready for the last market of 2023 at the Urbana's Market at the Square with very strong feelings. This year has been SUCH a great experience -- different from the other 4 market years we've partcipated in (since 2019!) -- because we have been at all 26 markets this year! It is wonderful because of the community, the vendors, the Market Staff (Bryan is the BEST!) but it is physically exhausting.
Always a learning experience, however. Always! This year was thrilling in that we sold out every week. And we got to learn much more about the main source for our signature products -- Georgia peaches. We started getting peaches from Tree-Ripe Fruit Co. in 2019 when Tim sent Sue his family recipe for Grilled Peach Salsa. And wow!! That became a huge thing. Our Grilled Peach Salsa won Grand Champion at the Champaign County Fair in 2019 and the Tigers suddenly became competitive! We rely heavily on Georgia peaches, but this year, they didn't do well at all. They are supposed to have 850 hours of freezing temps over the winter, and last year, they only got 700. Here is a news story on CBS News that details their plight. Hoping for a better 2024!
We also had great success with our jams and jellies and again great success at the Champaign County Fair and the Illinois State Fair!

So as we go into winter, just know that we will miss you! But we will be in touch through email, our website www.tigergardens.biz and YouTube. One of the videos on our channel has 3,200 views!
We're hoping for a lot of interaction because we are trying to grow our online business. Not just for products available, but for online courses. Sue is creating a whole library of online courses that will coincide with the classes she will be teaching at Parkland College in November and in 2024!